The European Union Delegation to the Republic of Moldova

The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova was opened in the centre of Chisinau in October 2005.

The Delegation has the status of a diplomatic mission and officially represents the European Union in the Republic of Moldova.

The European Commission is one of the institutions of the European Union, the others being the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors.

The accession of Romania and Bulgaria on the 1 January 2007 completed the fifth enlargement of the EU that had started in May 2004. Today the European Union is made up of 27 Member States; it has a population of around 499 million and is the largest trading bloc in the world.

Delegations such as the one in Moldova exist all over the world. Altogether there are over 120.

The Delegation’s mandate includes the following:

  • To promote the political and economic relations between the countries of accreditation and the European Union by maintaining extensive relations with governmental institutions and by increasing awareness of the EU, it’s institutions and its programmes;
  • To monitor the implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCA) between the EU and Moldova;
  • To inform the public of the development of the EU and to explain and defend individual EU policies;
  • To participate in the implementation of the European Union’s external assistance programmes (mainly TACIS, FSP, ENPI), which focus on supporting democratic development and good governance, supporting regulatory reform and administrative capacity building, and supporting poverty reduction and economic growth.

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