The Association ADEPT has been re-elected to hold the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections Secretariat for the next four years
On February 10, 2022, the Council of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections met in an online meeting. During the meeting, the members of the Council approved the appointment of the Association for Participatory Democracy “ADEPT” as the organization that will hold the Coalition Secretariat for the next four-year term. Elena Prohnițchi was approved as Coalition Secretary.
The Secretariat is the executive body of the Coalition that shall be held by a member organization of the Coalition Council. The mandate of the Secretariat is for 4 years, with the possibility of holding several consecutive terms. The Secretariat shall ensure the implementation of the Coalition Council’s decisions; perform tasks related to the internal activities of the Coalition, as well as to the external representation of the Coalition.
The Association ADEPT held the Coalition Secretariat until January 30, 2022, when it ended its mandate. According to the Coalition’s Rules of Procedure, the members of the Council must approve the organization that will ensure the functioning of the Coalition Secretariat for the next four-year term. The Association ADEPT candidacy was the only one proposed by the members of the Council, being unanimously supported. Elena Prohnițchi was re-elected as Secretary of the Coalition.
Co-elected Secretary of the Coalition, Elena Prohnițchi thanked for the appreciation and added that the Secretariat intends to develop a strategy for the coming years that aims to strengthen the capacity of Coalition members and increase the Coalition visibility.
At the Council meeting, 6 of the 10 members of the Council participated, respectively the meeting was deliberative. Currently, the Coalition consists of 36 non-profit organizations from the Republic of Moldova who subscribed to the principles stipulated by Charter for Free and Fair Elections.