Promo-LEX launched the second pre-referendum monitoring report on the electoral campaign for the national constitutional referendum on 5 September 2010
Chisinau, September 3, 2010. Promo-LEX Association launched report on the electoral campaign for the national constitutional referendum on 5 September 2010. Monitoring period: August 14th- September 2nd, 2010
The Promo-LEX monitoring effort has found during the August 14th- September 2nd monitoring period that the public and electoral administrations performed in an overall non-discriminatory manner, but has also noted several shortcomings both in terms of organization of the electoral process and in terms of the performance of electoral participants.
During the monitoring period the Promo-LEX effort did not observe discriminatory treatment of the electoral participants by the public authorities. Another positive practice observed was the fact that the diplomatic missions of Moldova published on their web-sites information about the Referendum and the voting process.
At the same time the Promo-LEX effort found a series of shortcomings in the organization of the electoral run. Almost half of the voter lists have been compiled by the local public administrations and presented to the CEC with a considerable delay. The CEC itself has failed to place the lists on the CEC website as was initially planned and announced, while the precinct electoral bureaus have displayed the lists for verification by the voters with delay.
The precinct electoral bureaus have been formed late in many localities. In the case of two localities the bureaus have not yet been formed by the time of publication of the report.
A series of parties and socio-political organization registered by the CEC as participants at the referendum have submitted incomplete and late financial reports to the electoral administration. Almost half of the participants have failed to present to the CEC the requested financial reports. At the same time the CEC has taken few steps to verify the data presented by the participants in the submitted reports.
Promo-LEX observed several cases of undue influence on the voters. The observers found that representatives of some of the public institutions, including universities, exerted undue pressure on the voters. Electoral participants continue to offer the so-called electoral gifts to the voters and institutions on various occasions.
The Promo-LEX monitoring effort is implemented through direct observation that is carried out by a network of 42 long term observers from all the rayons nationwide. The findings and recommendations of the effort are written in bona fide and aim at improving the electoral process. The Promo-LEX effort is conscious that his kind of electoral exercise is conducted for the first time in Moldova and aims at contributing in a constructive manner to the establishment and improvement of democratic practices in Moldova.
Promo-LEX will monitor the electoral process on the 5th of September, through deployment of 300 observers in national, representative sample of polling stations. The Promo-LEX effort will publish intermediary reports on the Referendum day findings and a compilation of findings immediately after the day of the Referendum. The methodology of observation will not allow Promo-LEX to estimate independently the voter turnout. The Promo-LEX will carry out a Quick Count of voting results and will release the results of the count immediately upon the availability.
This project is financially and technically supported by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the United States Embassy, and the East Europe Foundation, with resources from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Eurasia Foundation. Any opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the donors.
The report is available below.
Note: For further information contact the Legal Department Promo-LEX, Pavel Postica, tel. 211 622.