Promo-LEX: Start of elections marked by irregularities

The Promo-LEX Association notes that – as of 12.00 midday on the day of general local elections in the Republic of Moldova – there have so far been many irregularities in the conduct of the voting. The principal irregularities include the late opening of voting stations, shortages of ballot papers, errors upon the ballot papers, and continued political campaigning.

The majority of voting stations were opened at the time stipulated by law, at 07:00. However, small delays – of up to 15 minutes – were recorded in at least 9 voting stations.

In some instances, Promo-LEX observers have also reported logistical problems relating to the preparation of the voting stations. The electoral rolls were missing from some voting stations, which meant that these stations were opened late.

In at least 5 electoral constituencies, observers reported that curtains were missing from the voting booths, having been removed by PEB (Polling station Electoral Bureau) members, citing the oral recommendations of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC).

In certain cases, observers have reported a shortage of ballot papers, after voters had been entered on the electoral rolls at the last minute. Such a situation was reported in at least nine electoral constituencies. A much more serious problem in this respect was reported in the village of Stauceni, where many voters had been registered at one and same address.

In the village of Oclanda, Soroca rayon, observers reported typographical errors on the ballot papers. The details of one electoral candidate had been entered incorrectly, PEB members having resorted to correcting the mistake manually with a pen. A similar situation was noted at voting station nr.3 in Taraclia (Rayon-based District Electoral Council nr.33), where one electoral candidate was found to be missing completely from the ballot papers. It should be noted, however, that in the rest of the voting stations in this constituency the ballot papers appeared without mistakes.
Observers have similarly reported isolated cases in which alcoholic drinks were being sold in the vicinity of voting stations, and in which voting stations were without electricity (at least 4 cases).

The Promo-LEX monitoring effort is being carried out within the framework of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections.

An extended, more detailed version of this press release can be obtained via the link below.

For more information, contact Carolina Bondarciuc, Promo-LEX Public Relations Officer
Tel: (22) 450024, GSM: 069637849, e-mail:

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