First preliminary report on voting process abroad / National Constitutional Referendum
The “Promo-LEX” Association in partnership with “Moştenitorii” Association, both members of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections monitored the voting process in the...
Promo-LEX launched the second pre-referendum monitoring report on the electoral campaign for the national constitutional referendum on 5 September 2010
Chisinau, September 3, 2010. Promo-LEX Association launched report on the electoral campaign for the national constitutional referendum on 5 September 2010. Monitoring period: August 14th-...
Raport IDOM- Evaluarea Acurateței Listelor Electorale în Republica Moldova, Referendum Republican Constituţional 2010
Continuând proiectul pilot din anul 2009, la Referendumul Republican Constituţional IDOM a lansat proiectul pilot de evaluare a acurateţei listelor electorale în Republica Moldova. Conform...
The Eurasia Foundation Moldova Representative Office
The Eurasia Foundation Moldova Representative Office works to promote democracy and the growth of a market economy in Moldova. Main goals EFM are to support...