OSCE Mission to Moldova

The primary objective of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, which was established in February 1993, is to facilitate the achievement of a lasting, comprehensive political settlement of the Transdniestrian conflict in all its aspects.

The Mission’s activities consist of the following:

  • facilitating the establishment of a comprehensive political framework for dialogue and negotiations and assisting the parties to the conflict in pursuing negotiations on a lasting political settlement of the conflict, consolidating the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova along with an understanding about a special status for the Transdniestrian region;
  • gathering and providing information on the situation in the region, including the military situation, investigating specific incidents and assessing their political implications;
  • encouraging the participating States concerned in pursuing negotiations on an agreement on the status and the early, orderly and complete withdrawal of foreign troops;
  • providing advice and expertise, as well as a framework for other contributions, on human and minority rights, democratic transformation, repatriation of refugees, and the definition of a special status of the Transdniestrian region;
  • initiating a visible OSCE presence in the region and establishing contacts with all parties to the conflict, local authorities and population.

Fore more information http://www.osce.org/moldova/