All media are invited to the launch of the “Domestic Election Monitoring and Voter Education in Moldova – Strengthening of Capacities and International Networking” project...
Acord de parteneriat între Comisia Electorală Centrală şi Coaliţia Civică pentru Alegeri Libere şi Corecte privind colaborarea în domeniul educaţiei electorale în contextul alegerilor locale generale din 5 iunie 2011
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(Română) Promo-LEX va monitoriza alegerile locale din vara 2011
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Asociatia Promo-LEX organizează Dezbatere publică
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The final report of the Promo-LEX monitoring mission draws recommendations for improving the electoral process
The monitoring of the early parliamentary elections on November 28, 2010 final report launched by the Promo-LEX association concludes the monitoring effort’s activity and includes...