The call of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections to the initiators of the constitutional referendum on amending article 78 of the Constitution
The Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections notes that the will of the people constitutes the basis of state power, which is expressed through...
Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections announces the selection of an expert for the evaluation of Coalition activity
The evaluation will be conducted during the November, 2011 – January, 2012 time period. The overall objective of the evaluation is to provide an objective...
Newly elected local officials are trained on how to transform the electoral promises into good governance
The Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections launched a training campaign for the newly elected local officials in the field of local public administration...
Appreciation of the general local elections by the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections
The Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections believes that the general local elections ballot of 5 June 2011 has been run in accordance with...
Numărarea în paralel a voturilor realizată de Promo-LEX confirmă datele oficiale
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