Asociația pentru Promovarea Clinicilor Juridice din Moldova (APCJM): Procesul de vot la alegerile başcanului UTA „Gagauz Yeri” continuă cu nereguli
Asociația pentru Promovarea Clinicilor Juridice din Moldova (APCJM): Procesul de vot la alegerile başcanului UTA „Gagauz Yeri”a început într-o atmosferă calmă, dar marcată de nereguli
Promo-LEX: Parallel Vote Tabulation and Quick Count confirm CEC preliminary results
Promo-LEX, a non-partisan non-governmental organization that seeks to advance democracy and promote human rights in Moldova, has found that, after conducting its parallel vote tabulation...
Promo-LEX: Quick Count anticipates election results
The Promo-LEX Association has carried out a Quick Count of the votes cast in the early parliamentary elections on 28 November 2010. The procedure was...
Promo-LEX: The end of Election Day marked by new incidents
At the close of voting, serious incidents representing violations of proper voting procedure have been recorded. Promo-LEX is in particular concerned at reported cases of...